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Anna Jensen Opens Door of First House on Sycamore Street

Updated: Aug 12

Fourteen books, multi-genres, relatable, captivating stories. We chat with author Anna Jensen, who penned the story of Walter Ferryman, the first resident on Sycamore Street in the fictional village of Eden Cove. Our House on Sycamore Street is a multi-author collaboration that kicks off on August 9.

Author Anna Jensen

Hello Anna. How long have you been writing, and when did you become an author?

I published my first book, The Outskirts of His Glory, in 2019. Before that, I’d shared a few blog posts of my initial experiences as a British expat moving to a small "sugar village" a couple of hours’ drive north of the coastal city of Durban. The posts were well-received and friends asked for more.

After handing over the leadership of a local church to another couple in 2017, my thoughts turned to "what next"? And God in His kindness gave me a very clear instruction from Revelation 1: "Write what you see in a book." So, I did. And five years later, I’m still writing the stories I see.

What process did you go through when you picked your characters’ names for The Ferryman’s Light?

With most of the characters, I did a quick search for common English names from around the time of the book’s setting, the mid-1850s. With one exception. One evening when lying in the bath (all the best inspiration comes in either the bath or the shower, don’t you think?), I was mulling over my story idea for the Our House on Sycamore Street. Mine is the first book in the series, and as I came up with the idea for the series, I decided to write an "origins" story of the beginnings of Sycamore Street. I had an idea of where to start, but needed the name of one final character. I wanted the name to have significance, to the main character, Walter, and the story as a whole. And then a name came to mind. I got out of the bath and looked it up. Was it a name used at that time? Yes. Did the name have a significant meaning?

Oh, yes. And then I knew that was a name dropped into my mind straight from the author of all

stories, Jesus. What was the name? You’ll have to read The Ferryman’s Light to find out!

Old door in stone building

Why would readers like your character?

I hope readers will connect with Walter Ferryman as he processes the consequences of one mistake which changes his future forever. His is a journey I think many of us identify with, regretting decisions we’ve made or actions we’ve taken. I hope Walter’s struggles, and the response of those around him, resonate with and encourage each of us.

What do you enjoy about participating in author collaborations?

Do you know the verse in Proverbs that states "iron sharpens iron"? That’s the joy of author collaborations. I’ve participated in a couple — the In All Things devotional box set by authors of southern Africa, and a Prairie Rose wagon train romance — but this was my first such project to lead.

With author collaborations, the deadlines are real and immovable! The need to pursue excellence in writing, to not let the side down, also plays a part. But I think the greatest delight is the friendships made along the way. We can live on other sides of the world, and yet encourage and support one another in our creative endeavours. There’s nothing quite like it.

Do any of your characters take over and write the book themselves sometimes? Who?

Yes – Mr Bookman! He starts out as a background character, "visiting" from another author's

book in the Our House on Sycamore Street series. He becomes a much-needed friend for Walter Ferryman during a time of crisis — not something I planned or expected when I started writing The Ferryman’s Light!

We all need a little inspiration in our lives. What’s your favourite quote and why?

There are so many! But two spring immediately to mind… From the first of Enid Blyton’s Famous Five series, the comment by Julian when snubbed by cousin Georgina: “Oh well, let’s go down for breakfast.” Why do I love it? We can choose our response to offence or difficult situations, either to react or to move on. I want to be like Julian, moving on to what matters!

And the second is my verse for 2024. “Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good,

And let your soul delight in abundance.” Isaiah 55:2 (Amplified version). What an invitation for

each of us.

Any advice for the aspiring authors out there? Particularly those who are feeling a little


Connect with other writers! Surround yourself with people who understand the unique journey you’re on. Some may be further ahead on the road, and will give you someone to follow. Others will be alongside you, puffing their way forward with you. And others may be a little behind, and need your encouragement. Not sure where to find those people? Reach out to Vida!

Where to find Anna:

You can discover more about Anna and her writing on her website at or follow her in the places she hangs out using

Book description: The Ferryman’s Light

He has plans for the future. What happens when circumstances dictate those plans must change?

If you love a historical origins drama, you'll be sure to enjoy The Ferryman's Light

October, 1853: Walter Ferryman's life is simple and predictable, running the Eden Cove ferry while his father works as gamekeeper to Castle on the Hill owners, the Wingfields.

That is until sweetheart Susan Wingfield reveals a dreadful secret - which puts all Walter's future hopes and plans into jeopardy. Will Walter find the courage to own his mistakes? How will he make good on his promise to Susan while remaining in Eden Cove?

Our House on Sycamore Street is a new multi-author, multi-genre series set in quaint and quirky Eden Cove, an English seaside town with plenty of spirit. With stories of redemption and salvation behind every door, you’re sure to find a new tale of romance, intrigue, humour or heart. All you have to do is knock!

Our House on Sycamore Street 14 books

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13. Aug.
Mit 5 von 5 Sternen bewertet.

Thank you, Anna, for birthing such a fantastic series. May it entertain many readers.

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