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It's time to spring clean

Isaiah 43:19 says, "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."

Spring has sprung (in the southern hemisphere) and this is the time we start thinking of shaking things up – maybe it is doing some spring cleaning at home by packing away the winter blankets or washing dusty curtains; or trying to get back in shape physically through diet and exercise. Whatever changes you are thinking of, I wish you every success!

Yet, I'd like to propose that we start the spring cleaning from the inside out – clear our hearts from the cobwebs of doubt and negativity, emerge from the wilderness where little faith resides; wade through the muddy waters of bad attitudes and resentment, lift our heads out of  the morass of bitterness; and emerge from the wasteland of self-pity and hopelessness. Mother Nature worked tirelessly through winter when it seemed nothing much was happening above the ground, and so did God. He is always at work, especially in our hearts, and even when it seems like little is changing in our lives.

Let us draw closer to him. Renew your relationship with God by finding new things in his word that delight and astound you; look for evidence of his presence in nature; let joy, inner peace and quiet confidence characterise your daily walk with him.


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